
Showing posts from 2014

An Idea can change your Life

An idea - contagious, influential, unique, and highly pervasive - has the ability to change the dimensions of human horizon. I am not trying to quote Inception, but something on that lines, for sure. All the big inventions and findings in the history originated from an idea that changed the course of mankind. Be it Newton with an apple or James Watt with steam or Maxwell with his inexplicable experiments, every great leap of faith can be narrowed down to a single momentous moment. But what perturbs me the most is the irony that these ideas came to a selected group of people. Is there any similarity between these groups or is it based on random attribution to people? My inquisitive mind and restless soul wanted answer because it can actually change one's life by making oneself a part of those selected people. After doing shit load of muSearch TM I have gathered a lot of content to answer this question and live in peace for eternity. I stumbled upon the book “Outliers” which