On The Verge of Universe

You can live in me, die in me, do all your dirty stuffs in me but boy you can never get out of me.

As a child, I always wanted to step out of this universe and experience a whole new life but those scientists and there idiotic superfluous theories attenuated my desire with the redundant knowledge they provided me, as I became wiser, or to say, became one of the many following what was said to be based on inexplicable experiments. I never wanted to asphyxiate my imagination by the skeptical theories which either got proven wrong or extended to new dimensions making it even more dubious than its predecessor.

To get started with Newton’s easy comprehensible principles was easy. Just three laws that too with minimal interference with my fantasy. It was a cakewalk to say that the earth would cease to revolve around sun and continue its trajectory in the direction tangential to its orbit the moment sun was removed from solar system. In fact for more than two hundred years mankind believed it as a gospel. But to make the lives of people complicated and ruin all the bliss of ignorance, a man was born who threatened the very existence of the Newton’s laws whom the world called “The Genius”. Albert Einstein with his special and general relativity made a boo-boo of the claim that earth will cease to move the instant it is freed from sun’s gravity. He stated “not even gravity can travel more than speed of light” and since light takes 8 minutes to reach earth, we would still have this much of time to bid adieu to our zillion years old orbit.

Although Einstein made things complicated, still his theory has significance in synchronizing GPS satellites with earth’s time. As according to relativity theory both speed and gravity have an effect on time, the atomic clocks in satellites are adjusted to run slower than they would on earth so as to nullify the effect. But one of the mind boggling concepts to unlock the mysteries of universe, that is, Quantum Mechanics was always derided by the genius. He believed that God would never make his creation on probabilistic terms which was the very foundation of QM.

I can be anywhere in this universe but only because the probability of finding me in front of this laptop is highest, I am here, is one of the postulates of QM. Another extremely goofy statement is that everything in the beginning exits in the wave form, unless it collapses itself into the particle form when being observed by someone. So going by QM, every new born is actually not born, it just happened to be collapsed in to the particle form as it was observed by the obstetrician.  Also the unfortunate Schrodinger cat which is waiting to be rescued or at least informed whether she is alive or dead is prominent for its byzantine condition. The proponents of QM state that it is indeterministic, therefore, she is dead and alive at the same time, whereas, the opponents state that since it is deterministic hence she should either be dead or alive. However, decades have passed but the cat still waits for her rescuer.

Nevertheless, all these theories and assumptions were only able to corrupt my conscious mind. They never got hold of my fantasies and imaginations of highly freaked, bizarre, unregulated, endless, mystical unconscious part of mine. So I still dream of stepping on to the end of universe, experience a whole new laws of physics which get change every other night and involve in all those things which I thought of as a child. May be the only way to get out of this universe is not hidden in the practical experiments and theories, but in the nebulous and fuzzy world of dreams.                                                                                                                                                      


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